Featured on this week is Bar Exam Coaching by Yohanna #AKA 💥 Your Bar Exam Coach!
Yohanna Romero Baca failed the bar exam on her first attempt. But she didn't give up. She studied harder and smarter, she then passed in three states. #success
Now, Yohanna is a #BarExam Coach, helping other retakers crush the MEE/MPTs. She knows firsthand that failure is not the end of the world. It's an opportunity to learn and grow.
Here is a quote from Yohanna herself:
"Finally, I knew I had to work on my frame of mind because I couldn’t learn feeling overwhelmed.
And that’s what I did! My process worked so well that I used it to pass in Maryland, Florida, and Texas – all in a 4 year period.
This is how my 3-part framework was born.
As it turned out, I was right. There was a better way to bar #prep!"
#barexam #legalstudents #education www.barexamcoachingbyyohanna.com/
🛡Your Host Bob Bianchi & David Bruno #NothingButTheTruth
Nothing But TheTruth is the podcast that brings you real life encounters and candid conversations with thought provoking guests about their challenges and
adversities ~ with captivating stories, ending in personal triumph and ultimate success.
With Your Hosts Bob Bianchi & David Bruno
Nothing But the Truth #Podcast🎙
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The Bianchi Law Group LLC.🛡: