Lawyer Well-Being Advocate Spotlight: Nicole Perskie! This week on the show, we're honored to feature Nicole Perskie Administrative Director of the New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program!
Nicole brings a wealth of experience to NJLAP, having practiced bankruptcy law before dedicating her work to supporting lawyers and judges with substance use, mental health, and family concerns.
Here's a sneak peek at what Nicole will share: Her inspiring journey from practicing law to advocating for well-being in the legal profession.
Valuable insights into the resources available for lawyers and judges facing challenges.
Her impactful work at conferences and publications promoting lawyer well-being. ️
Don't miss this insightful episode! Here: Want to learn more?
Check out NJLAP's website:
With your Hosts Former Prosecutors and Criminal Defense Attorneys Robert Bianchi, ESQ., NREMT & David Bruno, Esq. Stay informed with regular legal updates from our team of former prosecutors at The Bianchi Law Group.
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